Earlier this year I traveled to the UAE to cover the annual Custom Show Emirates (you can see photos of that event by clicking here). I had a few days in Dubai to explore and also to check out some of the local car culture. My friends at Carbon Signal connected me with Elite Autosports in Dubai who had an interesting r34 GTR for me to shoot. The owner of the car was extremely busy, so he sent one of his guys to bring the car to me. We were fighting the sun because the crew needed some time to wipe down and prep the car at the location. Detailers must make a great living because the cars out here are layered in dust from a regular day of driving.
Right hand drive cars are not allowed in Dubai (unless they are of a particular vintage year or if some concessions with the government have been made). This GTR was actually converted to Left-Hand Drive so it was road legal. Prior to arriving in Dubai, this GTR had the Nismo R-Tune conversion carried out by Nismo at the Omori Factory. The Nismo R1 motor is a very rare variant of the RB26DETT. It’s rumored only 25-30 cars had the r-tune package completed at Omori…
Enjoy the photos and click on the photo for the higher res version: