Feature: Fizz Autosports Open House/BBQ

Good Times @ Fizz!

Photos: Ginash George/Synth19 Photo

Fizz Autosports held their annual BBQ/Open house on Saturday May 14th. Good times, good food, cars, and people. Here are a few pics from some of the dope cars in attendance. Anything catch your eye? Most likely you’ll be seeing a feature or two of some […]

Feature: 1982 Toyota Starlet

A Treasured Antiquity

JJ’s 1982 Toyota Starlet KP61 4ag Turbo

Words: Mark Waterman Photos: Ginash George (Synth19 Photos)

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For some of us, certain cars hold a special place in our hearts. We own one, and as soon as it is gone, we are driven to […]

Feature: Long Beach Grand Prix Coverage

The 36th annual Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach, CA

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Photos: Brad Sillars and Jeremy Cliff

Brad and Jeremy attended the 36th annual Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach Friday, April 16 through Sunday, April 18. The race takes place on […]